Okada is a business the government should not ban, but help regulate – Oyo ACOMORAN

In reaction to the latest motorcycle ban (Okada) in some large parts of Lagos State and the call for a ban in the South Western States, the Oyo State Chapter of the ‘Amalgamated Commercial Tricycle And Motorcycle Owners, Repairers and Riders Association of Nigeria (ACOMORAN) has pleaded with the Oyo State Government not to ban the riders but to regulate their activities.

The association, which is the umbrella body for all commercial operators of motorcycles and tricycles, said the government should not ban its members, but regulate union activities and empower them, adding that the members rely on Okada’s business for survival.

Comrade Solomon Olugbode, Chairman of Oyo State ACOMORAN, speaking at a press briefing at the association’s state secretariat in Ibadan on Monday, explained that the association is aware of the motorbike ban in much of the Lagos States, as well as a possible influx. of these runners in Oyo State.

He said the society should understand that they are also part of the society that is ready to abide by the laws of the land.

His words: “Okada business is for the poor, we rely on this business for our day to day survival, only the poor can be seen with okada business, if the government bans us, our means of survival will be cut off stopped.

“I want the public, especially the elite, to understand that we are the product of society, we are not useless, worthless or meaningless. Society must understand that committing an atrocity depends on the person and not on their profession, a bad person is a bad person regardless of their profession, gender, ethnicity or religion.

While speaking out about the steps the association has taken to stop the influx of perpetrators of evil among runners.

He said: “The law does not prevent anyone from moving from one place to another. Our law does not allow us to detain anyone, we can only gather information and report to the police.

“The association is fully on the ground and our members have been informed to report any strange and suspicious movement to the competent services.

“As law-abiding people, we have also prepared our members to collect data from all runners for easy identification.”

The state president pleaded and urged the state government to help control the number of unions by regulating them and empower the incumbent union.

He further revealed, “As a means of permanent solution to the unruly behavior of some bikers in the state, we call on the government to regulate the number of bikers controlling unions in the state and empower self-reliance. because violence in commercial motorcycles and tricycles began in 2006 when the motorists union violently hijacked Okada parks.

Meanwhile, the syndicate also brought to the attention of the State Security Department and the Commissioner of Police an Okada Day being planned by a group of okada riders.

The President said that ACOMORAN, Oyo Chapter does not organize anything like this, adding that the participants are not members of the association but disbelievers who have extorted ignorant riders and caused confusion for selfish purposes.