Rick Savage pours sugar on fashion nostalgia

Def Leppard bass player Rick Wild and his son Scott collaborated with a fashion designer Nick Holland on a new clothing line, Overnight Angels Crew.

The collection focuses on a confluence between rock’n’roll and motorcycle subculture, with an urban twist. The collections will include a range of limited edition apparel, accessories and artwork.

Designer Holland previously worked on Oasis Liam Gallagher’s Pretty Green line in 2011 and brings decades of design experience with him.

The brand hopes to collaborate with Death Cigarettes, the shock cigarette brand that has recently been revitalized as a fashion brand.

The brand emphasizes nostalgic authenticity influenced by the rock soul of the 80s and 90s.

The brand’s “capsule collections” will be released four times a year, while the seasonal collections Scene collection will be a line of unique pieces.

Tattoos not included

“The collection was developed from a place of nostalgia, inspired by the title track of Ian Hunter’s 1977 album ‘Overnight Angels,’” Savage said (illustrated). “I had just left Sheffield United Football Club and was at a turning point in my life.

“It was in the summer of 1977 that Def Leppard formed and I really wanted to pay tribute to such a pivotal moment in my life. And to be able to work on that alongside my son, Scott, means so much more.

Fashion designer Holland added: “Rick and Scott Savage had a vision from the start, and it’s been great working together to bring it to life. We focused on the modern consumer and designed high quality, uniquely styled pieces.