The Toronto store loved by Jason Momoa is closing for good with a huge clearance sale

A one-of-a-kind, cultural must-see retail store on Toronto’s Ossington Strip will close its doors for good next month after more than a decade of serving the community – but that’s not bad news for customers (not those who appreciate deep discounts, at least. )

City Motorcyclea motorcycle lifestyle store located at 132 Ossington Ave. announced earlier this month that it would end operations in October, with an initial shutdown date scheduled for October 31.

A note posted on the door of the business seen on Sunday, however, says the physical store will now close on October 2 due to the overwhelming customer response and rapidly dwindling inventory.

A note on the door of Town Moto explains why the beloved store is closing and what customers can expect.

The shop notes that it could close even sooner if stocks run out, and that could very well be the case thanks to insane clearance prices: as a final thank you to fans and friends, the company is selling all stock. staying in store for at least 25% cents off, making this a great time to invest in a cool biker jacket or a silver skull ring.

Helmets, jackets, gloves, boots, sunglasses, t-shirts, sweaters, toques, gifts and more can be found in addition to what the store considers “everything you need to maintain, modify and build a motorcycle, including maintenance products, parts, tools and manuals.”

Town Moto branded merchandise (including their many awesome t-shirts) is a staggering 50% off, with all sales final.

“At the start, we had a simple goal to create something that we felt didn’t exist in motorcycling. We never expected it to turn into something that would allow us to work with so many great people. , to engage with a community both within and beyond motorcycles. , and contribute so profoundly to our lives in personal ways,” read a letter on the store’s front door.

“We were very lucky to have turned something we dreamed of into a real business. With so many seasons in business, there is also growth and change! After a decade in the space, we feel we have achieved what we set out to do and we are ready for the next Chapter.”

The Town Moto team goes on to say that they have forged many relationships with brands, the community and individuals…one of which is Khal Drogo himself, actor and motorcycle enthusiast Jason Momoa.

Momoa isn’t mentioned in any marketing materials, and staffers aren’t one to drop his name, but the star is rumored to be a huge Town Moto fan. He has been spotted leaving the company on several occasions and appears to have witnessed some of the many community events hosted by the shop while filming in Toronto.

The Aquaman star was filmed last April run his engine outside the workshop and cruise through Ossington, but that’s not what makes Town Moto cool. Not by far.

“You don’t need to own a motorbike to be welcomed into Town Moto, we have an assortment of casual wear, books and everyday accessories! Need some advice on getting started with motorcycling? We’ve got you covered. too !” reads the store’s website, epitomizing in one sentence why locals love Town Moto.

“The motorcycling community is an important part of who we are and what we do. Throughout the year, we strive to foster and support our motorcycling community with free tech nights, events, sponsorships and promoting other inclusive events in the community.”

Anyone familiar can agree that the store had a major (if not the biggest) impact on Toronto’s now thriving motorcycle culture. No word yet on what might replace them or if they will reopen elsewhere.

“We are very lucky that this was a personal choice and that our love of motorcycling and the independent trade did not weigh heavily,” read the closing note on the store door.

“We can’t promise anything about where you’ll find us in the future, but chances are it’ll still be on a motorcycle! Thank you for being part of this journey and we can’t wait to see what who will follow!”