Motorcycle and three-wheeler sales drop 3% in 8 months – Latest News – The Nation

ISLAMABAD – The sale of motorcycles and three-wheelers in the country saw a decline of 3.10% in the first eight months of the financial year (2021-22) compared to the sale of the corresponding period of the last year.During the period under review, no less than 1,228,540 motorcycles and three-wheelers were sold in July-February (2021-22) compared to the sale of 1,267,844 units in July-February (2020-21), i.e. a down 3.10%, according to the Pakistan Automobile Manufacturers Association (PAMA). However, the sale of Honda motorcycles increased by 8.08% from 836,046 units last year to 903,659 units during the reporting period, while the sale of Suzuki motorcycles also increased by 63.93% , going from 14,954 units to 24,515 units.Similarly, the sale of Yamaha motorcycles also fell from 14,526 units to 16,113 units, registering an increase of 10.92%, while the sale of Road Prince motorcycles saw a sharp drop of 31.86%, from 101,296 units to 69,018 units.Sales of United Auto motorcycles also fell by 28.66%, from 260,216 units to 185,628 units.Meanwhile, the sale of Road Prince three-wheelers saw a drop of 22.11% from 7,173 units last year to 5,587 units this year, while the sale of Sazgar three-wheelers also fell. by 6.51%, going from 10,581 units to 9,892 units.

Sales of Qingqi three-wheelers fell 26.63% from 13,075 units to 9,593 units, while sales of United Auto three-wheelers also fell 57.91% from 5,019 units to 2,112 units, the data revealed.