A man would have killed his father for the sale of land in Lyantonde

A 23-year-old man allegedly killed his father for allegedly refusing him to sell part of their land to buy a motorbike for commercial use (bodaboda).

The incident reportedly happened in Bikokola B village, Mpumudde trading center in Lyantonde district.

The victim is Valentino Turyatunga, who was 55 years old.

It is alleged that his son, Vincent Nuwahareza, repeatedly hit him in the head with a wooden mortar, killing him.

Greater Masaka Police Public Relations Officer Muhammad Nsubuga confirmed the death and said police are investigating the matter.

He said the incident happened on Friday.

Local council leaders later said angry locals apprehended the suspect after a child who allegedly witnessed the murder alerted locals.

They handed Nuwahareza over to the police at Mpumudde police station and he was later transferred to Lyantonde.

Margaret Kobuyanji, the region’s president, said Lyantonde police went to the victim’s home and arrested his wife, Agnes Tafiirwe, and their youngest son, 14, for questioning.

She told police her husband developed misunderstandings with the rest of the family after refusing the son to sell land he had given her to buy a motorbike.

Fred Tamale, a local leader, said the suspect accused his father of blocking his chances of getting out of poverty by refusing him to sell said land.

Tamale said young men using drugs had led to an increase in crime in the area, and he called on the police to educate young people against drug use.

Police released the body to the family for burial after an autopsy.